Shepherd Press is pleased to announce the fall 2021 release of A Practical Guide for Effective Biblical Counseling by Dr. Wayne Mack, now available for pre-order.

About the book

Who will benefit from this book? Anyone involved in counseling troubled people; anyone who strives to disciple others for Christ; all parents who want to promote effective communication and faith-building conversations with their children; any Christian committed to serving others through the Word of God; anyone who wants to live a life pleasing to the Lord, utilizing the principles set forth in Scripture. If you fall into any of these categories, you will benefit from this book.

This is a guide for biblical counselors on how to effectively help counselees overcome their struggles, practical and spiritual, and become true, faithful disciples of Jesus. This approach to biblical counseling can be broken down into eight essential steps, each rooted in biblical disciple-making principles. This guide clearly describes each step, how and where it is taught in Scripture, and why it is vital to strengthening discipleship.

From the Foreword by Dr. Jim Newheiser:

This is an important book by an important man. Dr. Wayne Mack is a patriarch in the biblical counseling movement.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.