Good morning. May the Lord bless and keep you today.

Westminster Books has a collection of new and especially noteworthy books on sale.

(Yesterday on the blog: My New Book Is Out: Knowing and Enjoying God)

How To Make Sense Of The Conflict In Nigeria

Oyewole Akande provides a helpful guide to the ongoing conflict in Nigeria. “The security situation in Nigeria is complicated to understand, even for those of us living in Nigeria. There are at least five separate but overlapping armed conflicts going on simultaneously in our country. Below I will give a brief overview of each. I’ll also provide a few links for those who wish to do further reading and reflection.”

ABBA: Band of the Boomers

Mary Harrington explains why ABBA kind of stands in for so many in the Boomer generation. “It’s not clear whether the band will perform as themselves at their ‘Voyage’ events. But why should they? They’ve arguably just come closer than Ray Kurzweil has managed yet to achieving boomer apotheosis: eternally perky, fresh, un-dying versions of their youthful selves, able to continue indefinitely doing what those younger selves did, without ever getting tired, ill or divorced.”

No Purpose For Old

To the full-length post originally published on this site.