Imagine this senario. You have company coming over Saturday night and the house is a mess. You have a busy week and won’t be able to get things ready for your company until that day. So you ask your husband to please keep Saturday free to help you clean up and get some groceries. He happily agrees. Saturday morning rolls around and you see him headed for the door to go play golf with his friends. How would you feel about this? What choice would you make as you saw him walking out the door? This is just one example of the hundreds of choices we need to make on a day-to-day basis. Did you know that the Bible tells us very clearly how to handle this situation and others like it? In this scenario, we could make our next move based on our feelings or we could take the time to think about the choice that would best honor God. In this post I want to share with you how the Bible can help you better navigate tough situations like this, and how initially making a hard choice can actually make your life easier in the long run.

To the full-length post originally published on this site.