When you think of the book of Jonah, what immediately comes to mind?

“Jonah and the whale.”

Expected. I suppose given the word association test among people who think that they are up on the book, their answers would yield a similar response.

“And even if a person doesn’t know much about the book, one thing is certain, they’d know about that incident!!”

Right you are. But, now, let me ask you a further question: What is the purpose of the book? What’s it really about—at its heart and core? Certainly, it isn’t Jonah’s fish-experience—that takes up only a couple of verses in the book. It’s startling, and therefore, memorable, but it isn’t central to the account.

“Well, probably something about Jonah’s disobedience.”

Pretty good. But still not the central message.

“How about repentance of the city of Nineveh? That’s a biggy.”

Correct. It surely is—yet, not the most prominent feature in the book.

“Well, then, let me see? Is it Jonah’s attitude—you know, about the death of the plant, and all that?”

Another important feature, but still no cigar!

‘OK. OK. Tell me. I give up.”

There are all those things you mentioned—you might even call them mini-lessons of

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.