May the God of love and peace be with you today.

(Yesterday on the blog: All Will Be Well)

Discipled by Algorithms

I think it’s increasingly important that we acknowledge the centrality of algorithms in modern life. “We live in a personally curated and expertly crafted world of information, driven by algorithms that often wield significant influence over our lives and our outlook on the social and ethical issues of our day. The world you see online is often very different than what I might see, which in turn makes it difficult to address many of the root problems of our day.”

Four Ways the Church Can Welcome Kids with Special Needs

This article offers four simple ways a church can welcome kids with special needs (and make their families feel comfortable being there).

The Forgotten Gift of Evening Worship

There are lots of good reasons to consider evening worship services, with the strongest reason probably being their long history in the Protestant tradition. “In this season of fresh starts and resolutions, here are some biblical, historical, and practical reasons you should cherish the gift of evening worship.”


Susan Lafferty: “In the weight of urgent prayer, a

To the full-length post originally published on this site.