Would you consider helping us? We want YOU to endorse Jay’s books! Why you? Let me explain. When a new book is published, it is common practice to solicit endorsements or “blurbs” from prominent people in the field—authors, educators, and well-known personalities. We do this as well. But Jay’s books have a somewhat different appeal. They are written to help you and people like you—pastors, lay counselors, and Christians who simply desire to walk with God and know their Bibles better.

So, would you consider writing a “blurb” for us, not necessarily about a specific book, but about how Jay’s books have helped you? Perhaps one of these categories will give you an idea of what we are looking for:

“Here is how reading Jay Adams has helped me in my ministry, marriage, trial, or walk with Christ.” “This is why YOU should read Jay Adams.” “Let me tell you about a specific book that has helped me.” “Let me tell you why you should read (insert book title).”

You get the idea. Long testimonies are wonderful, but they will not help us. We need anywhere from a medium-length paragraph to just a few sentences. Endorsements that are

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.