Biblical counseling can be defined as a fluid event and process of a Spirit-empowered Christ follower providing face-to-face ministry of the Word to others.

Biblical counseling is a process of focused discipleship. It is one aspect of discipleship. It is an aspect of discipleship focused on the application of God’s Word and walking in God’s Spirit when dealing with matters of life as a whole. Biblical counseling can be defined as a fluid event and process, as part of the Great Commission, when a follower of Jesus Christ in the service of the Holy Spirit provides face-to-face ministry of the Word to others.

The form and flow of Biblical counseling, I believe, does not have to be strictly defined. Biblical counseling may occur in a single moment. It may occur among believers following a bible study or after a church service in the parking lot. Biblical counseling may happen between two people on a park bench or in a schoolteacher’s classroom or in a pastor’s office. The giving and receiving of God’s truth for life may be called an event.

And while Biblical counseling may exist as an event, it is most effective and best understood as a series of

To the full-length post originally published on this site.