The Lord bless you and keep you today.

On sale this week at Westminster Books is an excellent series of Christian biographies for children.

Seven Common Misconceptions about the King James Bible

“When a book blossoms into such a literary lotus, myths also begin to sprout. Grains of truth rendering them plausible grow into weeds of fiction. Blocking the light of contrary facts and pilfering life-giving nuance, truth eventually withers. The following are seven myths about the KJB that now need pruning.”

I Frequently Feel Like a Father Failure

Most fathers feel like failures much of the time…

Deeply Loved, Dearly Missed

I was blessed to read Donna Evans’ eulogy of her dear son, James Bruce. She says that “the world could not possibly understand how one individual, so limited in natural ability, could possibly impact the lives of so many. But that’s exactly what James Bruce did.”

The Seven Works of the Holy Spirit

David Paul reminds us of how much the Holy Spirit does in us and for us.

The Ten Commandments are a Mentor Leading Us to Faith in Christ

Colin Smith: “The Ten Commandments are a mentor to lead you to faith in Christ. A

To the full-length post originally published on this site.