Do you remember participating in the old “Sword Drill” Bible game as a kid? I do, and I also remember being duped by the obligatory joke, “Turn to . . . Hezekiah 6:2. DRAW YOUR SWORDS!”  All of us flipped vainly through our Bibles looking for the book of Hezekiah, only to realize too late that we’d been had.

Well, fool me once and all—on the next round I determined not to be tricked again. So, a minute later when the leader called out “Zechariah 9:9. GO!” I just stood there with a smug, satisfied grin on my face, absolutely sure there was no such book.

These days, after nine years in the pastorate, I do finally know there’s a book called Zechariah—and also Zephaniah, and Nahum, and Habakkuk, too. But let’s be honest. The Minor Prophets aren’t exactly the go-to books for most preachers. There are reasons for that, and to be perfectly honest, they’re not my favorite books. I wouldn’t choose to preach a long series on any of them, Zechariah included. But still, having preached (quickly) through all twelve of the Minor Prophets, I think there are very good reasons not to neglect them—even in addition to

To the full-length post originally published on this site.