by Nate Brooks

I am what is often called in theological terms a “strong complementarian.” I hold to the traditional Christian position that church leadership should be comprised of men and that women ought not to teach mixed-group adult church gatherings. I also believe that God has revealed in his word that within marriage, the man is to be the kindhearted servant-leader in the home and the wife is to be helpfully supportive through submission (Eph 5:22-33, 1 Pet 3:1-7). I think it’s wise for me to state this at the outset of this series, because I fear that those who might be challenged by what I write will dismiss me as a soft complementarian or egalitarian in disguise. I am neither of those things, and stand quite convinced of the biblical case for strong complementarianism.

Complementarians have done a marvelous job of demonstrating the biblical goodness of rightly-ordered marriages. Most conservative Christians – and especially those who lives are touched by biblical counseling in some fashion – agree that it is good for husbands to lead in their homes and wives to follow. Almost every wife that I’ve counseled has said at some point, “I want my husband to

To the full-length post originally published on this site.