Navigating Fear and Anxiety in the Age of Covid

Fear, stress, anxiety, worry…call it whatever you want, it’s everywhere right now.  There’s nothing like a global pandemic, a government-imposed shutdown, record levels of unemployment, and civil unrest to bring anxiety and unsettledness to even the most stoic of us.  And for those of us who already tend to be anxious or afraid, our stress levels have likely shot off the charts.  And we haven’t even mentioned the heightened, divisive political environment that uses fear as its most effective weapon.  Fear is everywhere and we are all experiencing it.

For Christians this presents a particularly difficult conundrum.  Not only are we navigating a world where it seems like danger is around every corner, but we open up our Bibles and find that the single most common imperative in all of Scripture is some version of: “Do not be afraid.”  This leaves many of us confused about how to think about what we’re feeling, confused about what God wants from us, and confused about how to navigate the fraught and dangerous world we inhabit in wisdom and faith.

Some seem to believe that being concerned at all about one’s physical health

To the full-length post originally published on this site.