“Murdered in the jungle…carrying babies across the mountains…trekking through the jungles…surviving abuse in prison…

Everyone likes a good summer read…or do they?  In a world that’s gone visual, reading sounds like drudgery to some, yet the benefits to yourself and those you are discipling are well worth taking the plunge.  This is not about reading the latest novel or political thriller, but it is every bit as exciting.  This is about reading the biographies of missionaries and other believers who have blazed a trail by following Christ in tremendous adversity.

Five Benefits

1).  Learning about the adversity and hardships faced by believers throughout history help us understand that “there is nothing new under the sun” (Ecclesiastes 1:9).  For those who are suffering, it is encouraging to read about brothers and sisters who have gone before and suffered well for Christ.

2).  Most of us come away from reading a missionary story realizing how easy and comfortable our lives are. This can be especially helpful for anyone you know who may be struggling with the “poor me” syndrome; the realization that we should not be trying to build our own “heaven on earth” is a valuable take-away. Evaluating you own life

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.