One of my first stops every morning on the way to a busy day is I find articles of interest in medicine, life and in Biblical counseling. Often these articles give me information that is useful in the process of counseling. And so today, I found a summary of a research article dealing with the way we speak to each other. In the realm of counseling, there are few subjects that we will spend more time working on than communication. How we speak to each other matters. The words we choose are important.

One observation about communication that most of us could agree with is that the level of our national conversations has become coarse. Words that would have resulted in my mother washing my mouth out with soap have become the exclamation points of public speech. We see our national leaders on television frequently using words once thought even unfit for a locker room. The magic words that my mother and Captain Kangaroo taught us, please and thank you, are often forgotten. And, it leaves our speech all the poorer.

This week a study was published that looked at the importance of saying “please and thank you, and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.