When the sufficiency of God’s Word is embraced by a local church and that church seeks to apply the riches of God’s Word to the lives of individuals in their care, it is a beautiful thing. Yet in providing this type of care, obstacles can easily arise: How are we going to raise up enough counselors to meet the needs of the church and community? Is it only the biblical counselor who can adequately help when someone is hurting? How do we keep from burning out those who provide counsel as they seek to meet the needs of others?

To help churches consider how biblical counseling extends beyond the counseling room to create a culture where the ministry of the Word permeates the life of a church, we find help from Biblical Counseling and the Church: God’s Care Through God’s People edited by Bob Kellemen and Kevin Carson.

This book brings together a seasoned lineup of leaders in the Biblical Counseling movement to cast a vision of churches that do not merely have a counseling department but cultivate principles of the biblical counseling movement that can transform a church’s entire culture. Built upon the Apostle Paul’s invitation for churches

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.