When you think about Biblical Counseling, one of the aspects that stands out the most is the assigning of Homework. When you hear ‘homework’ you might have traumatic flashbacks to your high school days when you were rushing to finish your algebra assignments, so I hope that talking about it today will not cause you to have cold sweats. The goal of this post is to talk about the value of homework as we discuss its purpose in counseling. After that, I’ll work through some of the common frameworks that you, as a counselor, should be thinking through when you assign homework.

Why is Homework Needed?

As we consider this topic, we need to first step back and consider what we mean by counseling. What I mean by counseling is a meeting between a counselor and a counselee(s) where the counselee is coming for help. This is a relationship where they are not saying “we are spiritual equals”, but, rather, in the spirit of Galatians 6:1, “You who are spiritual…” are helping someone in need of aid.  In that counseling relationship, the counselor will have to do a lot of things. They will have to ask questions about the problem,

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.