A Word from Bob: Harvest House Publishing is releasing my latest book Equipping Biblical Counselors: A Guide to Discipling Believers for One-Another Ministry. You can purchase it on sale here and here and here. You can download 16 free Online Appendix Resources here. I’ve prepared the following Author Interview Q & A to introduce you to my book, and to answer the questions: Why did I write Equipping Biblical Counselors? And, How will you benefit from reading and applying Equipping Biblical Counselors?

Author Interview Question: “Bob, what’s the big idea behind Equipping Biblical Counselors: A Guide to Discipling Believers for One-Another Ministry? What would you like readers to take away from the book?”

Bob Kellemen: “I had two assumptions as I wrote the book. First, pastors, counselors, educators, and church leaders are passionate about equipping God’s people for every-member ministry as biblical counselors and one-another ministers. Second, they are tired of seeing great effort expended on ‘programs’ that don’t launch, don’t last, or don’t result in leaving a legacy of loving leaders. So am I. That’s why in Equipping Biblical Counselors I offer a biblical, field-tested, best-practice approach to equipping God’s people for biblical counseling. As a result of reading the book,

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.