Many of us have read about or studied Job’s suffering. We know that his wife encouraged him to “curse God and die” (Job 2:9). We know that his friends offered less than helpful advice.

We, and especially me, have had reason to recently consider Job’s response to his wife. In 2:10 Job says, “Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?”

Job’s point is powerful. We want God to be good to us by giving us the things that will make our life easier. We want God to provide health care or healing that will radically improve our functionality. We want God to provide financially so that we can live at a certain standard. We want God to provide people in our lives who will care for us and uphold us. We want the Lord to ensure that our children are doing well and maintaining a positive relationship with us. And on and on that list goes.

There is nothing wrong with wanting these things. They most certainly are not sinful in and of themselves. But what if the Lord is bringing us through a period of trial in order to grow us and mature us and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.