Have you had a time when things were so hard that you concluded God was too far away to matter? Maybe it seemed like he couldn’t even hear you. Perhaps it felt like he didn’t care about what you were facing. I believe this is a common experience for Christians. It’s challenging to do relationship with an invisible God! I often sit with people in counseling who wrestle with these feelings and I have certainly struggled in these ways as well. I have often guided people to a place in Scripture that God used in my life years ago.

Let me tell you the story.

I had been in a romantic relationship that seemed good and promising—but it came to an abrupt end. I had dated a man who seemed to honor God and care for me, but he had been caught lying by a number of people all at once. I was filled with grief, hurt, and anger. But I was not only angry at the man who had lied and cheated and broke my heart. I was also angry at God for allowing these things to happen. I felt even more betrayed by God.

One spring

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.