Innumerable voices in the media relentlessly tell us, “You can do it!” But if we are honest with ourselves, we know deep down that we can’t. We fail often. We are not invincible. Life’s challenges reveal to us that we are not as strong as we thought we were. But there is good news! When we look in the mirror and honestly admit “I can’t” the door opens to experiencing the grace and strength of God. This is the central point of John Kitchen’s new book, He Is Able. John writes,

You can’t, but God can!
You can’t be wise, but Jesus can be wisdom in you. You can’t be holy, but Jesus can be holiness in and through you. You can’t be faithful, always, in everything. But Jesus can be faithfulness in and through you. You can’t love—not everyone, not all the time. But Jesus is able to not only give you love, but to love through you. You can’t change your heart, but Jesus can. You can’t change your thinking, but Jesus can. You can’t change your outlook, but Jesus can. You can’t dispel your depression, but Jesus can. You can’t overcome, but Christ already has and

To the full-length post originally published on this site.