The Lord be with you and bless you today.

True Companions

“To the ancients, friendship was the crown of life and the school of virtue. To us, it’s both of you clicking a button on Facebook. How far we have fallen.” Yes, but the situation is far from hopeless.

Satan Delights In Church Growth That Isn’t Gospel Driven

“Like every individual Christian, the Church’s greatest enemy is Satan. He lives and continuously strives to deceive God’s people, and to divert them from their God-given agenda and purpose. Though we could consider countless ways that Satan does this, in this article I’m going to focus on one: quantitative church growth.”

A Case against the Longer Ending of Mark

Some time ago I shared an argument that made the case for the longer ending of Mark. Here’s a follow-up that makes a case against it.

To Understand the Bible, Follow the World’s Advice

“I read secular books. That’s not so much a confession as much as it is a confirmation.” This article considers how we can read non-Christian books that will truly help us.

When God Came to Dinner & Why This Truth Changes Everything

“My favorite memories usually

To the full-length post originally published on this site.