Grace and peace to you today, my friends.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of interesting books. I’ll look again in the morning.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Most Important Part of Every Prayer)

Walking Through the Valley

“Have you ever been to the beach on a day when the red flags were flying and tried to swim in the surf only to be knocked down by the first wave that came along and, before you could get up, adjust your swimsuit, and wipe the salt water from your eyes, you were knocked down again by the next wave? If so, then you will know what the Christian life can so often feel like for many of God’s people.”

Civil Duties

“Civil discourse has degenerated to the point where opponents shout at each other with megaphones and even march to lay siege to families in their homes.  There is no calm conversation but only provocative volume, vocabulary, slogans and images.  We are too quick to speak and too slow to listen.” Too true!

What does “propitiation” mean?

Sinclair Ferguson answers.

Why It’s Right for God to Seek and Demand Glory

“When someone goes on and on about

To the full-length post originally published on this site.