There’s yet another solid list of Kindle deals to explore today. We’re spoiled!

(Yesterday on the blog: If I Was the World’s Only Christian…)

Complementarianism, the regulative principle

I really appreciate much of what Stephen says here about the regulative principle, complementarianism, and our tendency to conflate elements and forms.

Songs of Suffering: A Short Film Featuring Joni Eareckson Tada

You may enjoy this short film fearing Joni Eareckson Tada.

Give Him Your Acorns

Brianna’s illustration is a really good one!

Bored with Christianity?

“I love starting new books: the new beginnings, the crisp pages, the fresh ideas that I cannot wait to dive into. There is something about the weight of a large tome which tempts me to tackle a big reading project. But as much as I love starting books like this, I do have a problem finishing them.” What is true of our reading can also be true of our faith.

Why Did My Life Have to Be Hard?

Mark Talbot: “If you were to ask me what I take to be among Scripture’s most comforting passages, my answer may surprise you: Psalm 90 and Ecclesiastes.”

Thoughts on Becoming a Pastor (Again)

Jared Wilson shares some thoughts

To the full-length post originally published on this site.