Editors Note:

This lecture was delivered by Dr. Dale Johnson in September 2019 at the Albuquerque Biblical Counseling Conference titled “A Biblical Response to Mental Health” in New Mexico. The conference was hosted by Desert Springs Biblical Counseling Center, a certified counseling training center with ACBC. The complete conference series by Dale Johnson and Ed Welch can be accessed at https://www.abqbcc.com.

Summary: In this abnormal world, how do we go on living with the mind of Christ, providing an example of model mental health?
Topics: Biblical Counseling, Jesus Christ, Sanctification and Growth

You can find the other sessions given by Dr. Dale Johnson at this conference below:

Mental Health: A Biblical Perspective

Erasing the Stigma of Mental Illness – The Church’s Role

The Sufficiency & Authority of Scripture to Diagnose & Cure the Soul

The post How to Live with the Mind of Christ in an Abnormal World appeared first on Association of Certified Biblical Counselors.

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.