Westminster Books has a deal on David Mathis’ new book (and, because of it, on a whole list of books for pastors).

I’m Not an “Angel Mommy,” and Here’s Why

“It’s a vast and terrible club to belong to: mothers who have babies in Heaven. At one time, women didn’t feel the freedom to share much about such losses, especially when it came to miscarriage, but these days we’re encouraged to talk about and remember the little souls that we never really knew. Once women began talking about miscarriage, infant loss, and rainbow babies, a problem emerged in our thinking that has spread far and wide thanks to social media.”

Salman Rushdie and the Social Media Fatwa

Carl Trueman considers Salman Rushdie and the state of social media.

Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Scroll down here to see some clear examples of how “the heavens declare the glory of God.”

Naturalism Is Nonsense

This episode of Ultimately with R.C. Sproul showed up in my YouTube suggestions and I quite enjoyed it.

Blind Alec and His Amazing Memory

This is a neat account of a special young man.

Ukrainian Seminary President: 400 Baptist Churches Gone

Tragic: “About 400 Ukrainian

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.