Greetings friends, I have good news!

If you currently certified with ABC, then we have an opportunity for you! Through our partnership with the Christian Counseling Education Foundation (CCEF), they are now opening this specialized class for anyone who is already certified with ABC. Normally you would have gone through additional CCEF training prior to taking this course, so this allows you to jump right in to get training in Counseling Abusive Marriages. As counselors and pastors, this is a much needed area to be equipped, so we hope this will come as good news to you, your church or counseling ministry.


Counseling Abusive Marriages is a 3-credit course. October term dates are Oct 5-Dec 14 (registration is open for next 3 weeks). Cost is $650.

Course Description

In marriage, oppression occurs when one spouse seeks to control and dominate the other through a pattern of coercive, controlling, and punishing behaviors. Abuse is not a marriage problem. As a result, traditional marriage counseling will likely cause us to do more harm than good. In this course we will seek to understand the distorted and dangerous beliefs of an oppressor that require us to have a distinctive counseling approach. To

To the full-length post originally published on this site.