When the Psalmist wrote, “I have seen limits to all things, however complete, but Your commandment is very broad” (Psalm 119:96), he was expressing his amazement at the comprehensiveness and seeming limitlessness of the Scripture (“commandment” here is one of the synonyms used in this Psalm for Scripture). This fact continually ought to bring us up short. How little we understand and know the Word of God!

I recently heard a speaker of some note say that he had read a given portion of Scripture many times over in preparation for a study in which he was engaged. But later on, while casually casting his eye over a part of that portion, he suddenly became aware of something that he never had noticed before. We’ve all had similar experiences. The Bible is always fresh; it is a treasure trove in which we continually find new things, if only we will search.

All of which brings me to the point of this blog. Do you think you have it all together, counselor? Have you got the perfect system worked out? Do you know all you need to know to deal with any and all counseling cases? May all problems be reduced

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.