by Rachel Cain

The Problem

I doubt I’m the first counselor to observe that many, many counselees suffer from low levels of Bible literacy. Some find Bible reading boring, while others find the Bible too difficult to understand. Some would say that the Bible is not applicable to daily life, and others would note that they would read the Bible, but they don’t even know where to start.

Of course, there’s only so much a counselor can do to motivate a counselee to read their Bible. The Holy Spirit is a much better influencer than any counselor could be. First and foremost, we should pray for our counselees to hunger and thirst for the Word of truth.  And as we pray, we can offer tools to help them develop the spiritual discipline of Bible reading. A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible is one of those tools.

A Helpful Tool

Tim Challies and Josh Byers have created a thoughtful and interesting guide to the Bible that could act as a useful tool in introducing counselees to the Biblical text. With aesthetically-pleasing graphics and gripping facts, it is difficult to put this book down. The book’s straightforward pages and design have

To the full-length post originally published on this site.