A Christian’s identity is no pseudo-identity, as is the case with Halloween costumes, but is the deepest identity by which the believer is known by God.

Today, we usher in October 31st, 2022—a day our culture recognizes as Halloween. It is a day that finds traditions spanning from the innocence of watching Shultz’s Great Pumpkin to the more serious customs of people dressing up as demons, ghouls, and goblins in preparation to knock on strangers’ doors and utter the famous words, “trick or treat.”

As is customary for many, tonight people throughout our country will conceal themselves in creative costumes in which outward identities take the form of clowns, super-heroes, ghosts, and witches. For a few hours many will enjoy the fun of self-identifying as someone or something only possible in their wildest dreams.

Overshadowed by the festivities of Halloween, today also marks a very significant day in the history of the church—a day many within Christendom refer to as Reformation Day. Today, in 1517, a young man training to become an Augustinian monk, Martin Luther, nailed his now famous 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Castle church wherein he challenged many teachings of Catholicism—especially the selling

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