Last year a few parents asked me for a meeting. They explained that a boy in their kids’ school returned from Thanksgiving break identifying as a girl. The school district’s policy guaranteed toilet access according to his perceived gender identity. Any female student who felt uncomfortable sharing a stall next to him was required to go to the bathroom in the nurse’s office. These kids were in fourth grade. 

Every church in the United States has schools in its vicinity that have, are, or most likely will soon experience what the parents at our church experienced. Pastors must disciple their people to think biblically about LGBTQ+ issues. This is especially the case in family ministries. Though discipling involves more than policy, we cannot afford to think it means less. Wise policies allow a congregation to continue gospel ministry in an increasingly pagan culture. Good policies are urgently needed in children and student ministries. The goal of this article is to help us think through what these policies may look like. 


Policies aren’t created in a vacuum, and wise ones consider the moment and questions at hand. Let me set

To the full-length post originally published on this site.