Blessings to you today.

Personally Against but Legally For

Writing for WORLD, Denny Burk explains why it doesn’t make sense to be personally against but legally for a changing definition of marriage.

Finding Hope When Things Aren’t As They Should Be

“They year is winding down, we’re getting busy making plans and preparations for different events. As we enter the first week of advent, what are you hoping for this season?”

Self-promotion and the Kingdom of God

“Self-promotion has always been an unsettling idea for me (self promotion being exactly as it sounds: the promotion of myself or activities). Any attempt at it has always left me feeling like I just drank rotten milk; like something just isn’t right.” I feel much the same.

What are spiritual gifts and how do we use them?

This article borrows Piper’s very useful definition of spiritual gifts.

3 benefits of writing your prayers

Aaron Armstrong briefly explains some of the benefits of writing out your prayers.

Don’t Flatter the Wolves!

Sometimes we just need to out and call a wolf a wolf. “Paul warned us that wolves would arise within the church to attack the flock (Acts 20:29-30). It’s not

To the full-length post originally published on this site.