“Help! I don’t see any leaders!”

I know the feeling. Pastors often struggle finding leaders for church ministries. We need them, but we don’t see them. And even if we saw, we’d be unable to train them fast enough to meet the rising demands of ministry.

After a few years pastoring, it’s easy to become jaded about this. Like a sleight-of-hand magician playing with our mind—“Now you see them, now you don’t”—we ask, “Where did all the leaders go? What happened to all of yesterday’s exciting prospects?” We thought they’d stick around and help with the work. As we number the names of potential ministry leaders who fizzled out over the years, we are tempted to feel discouraged.

A lack of leaders strains the staff—especially the pastors— and discourages ministry leaders who need help. It limits our ability to reach the lost, care for the hurting, and make disciples.

We need to find and train leaders. But how?


Let’s start with the bad news: the laborers are few. This has been a problem for at least two thousand years. In Matthew 9, Jesus’ heart broke for the crowds who were like sheep without

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.