The tree is trimmed and decorated and glowing with lights. The gifts are wrapped and tied with bows and arranged carefully beneath. The stockings are hung by the fire and bulging with trinkets and surprises and sweet delicacies. The table is set and waiting for a great feast to be

laid out upon it. Christmas has come again—again with all its joys, with all its pleasures, with all its precious traditions.

But look again, look more carefully, look and see that there are fewer gifts than there were in years past. There is one less stocking than there was before. The table has been set with one less place. When the family gathers to celebrate this year, there will be one member who will not be gathering with the rest, one person who will not be home for Christmas, one person who will be sorely missed.

(Note: I was asked to prepare this devotional for Devotionals Daily, but thought I’d share it here as well.)

This will be the reality for so many families this season, so many families who have had to bid farewell to one of their own. And never do those losses

To the full-length post originally published on this site.