So, you’re thinking about planting a church.

What do you think you need? The gospel? Yes. The enabling power of the Spirit? Yes. A sending church? Yes. Others to go with you? Yes. Some money? Probably.

But what about a robust ecclesiology?

Ecclesiology can’t be assumed, nor should it be considered a distraction to the church planter’s “mission.” It also can’t be a kind of add-on that you insert here and there as you have need. Instead, ecclesiology should inform, instruct, and even excite the mission of planting churches to the glory of God.

In other words, church planter, you need a robust ecclesiology that’s in place well before you start trying to plant a church.

A church is more than a gathering of people around preaching and singing. There are brightly defined lines that have been given to us by the Lord. These lines mark Christians off from the world so as to picture a better city in which we’ll all live for eternity. We must take the time to think through these lines and carefully institute them for the good of our neighbor and the glory of God.

Several of us planted Restoration Church inside the District of

To the full-length post originally published on this site.