How do you determine if a man is not only qualified to be an elder, but also compatible to elder at your church?

Mark Dever and Bobby Jamieson recently discussed Capitol Hill Baptist’s elder selection process on Pastors Talk. At one point in the process, elder candidates fill out a questionnaire, which is reproduced below. Perhaps you’ll find it useful in your church and ministry.

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This questionnaire is not a formal examination of your fitness for the office of elder. Instead, it is simply a way for the elders to gain a basic, initial sense about some matters related to your desire and qualifications for the office. Generally, short answers will suffice. 

1. How did you come to know the Lord?

2. Do you desire to serve as an elder? If so, why?

3. If you’re married, what does your wife think about the possibility of you serving as an elder?

4. Tell us about your immediate family. If you’re married, how is marriage going? If you have children, how are they doing? If you’re married but don’t have children, please tell us why that is. (In all this, please be brief.)

5. If you’re married,

To the full-length post originally published on this site.