Haddon W. Robinson, Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Sermons. Baker Academic, 1980. 256 pages.


Haddon Robinson was my preaching professor in seminary. He was a very good preacher and a very good professor. His lectures were mini masterpieces of communication. He spoke without notes, included numerous illustrations, and always conveyed one big idea. It felt more like a rhetorical performance than a classroom lecture. Robinson literally practiced what he preached.

We were thoroughly schooled in all our homiletics classes at Gordon-Conwell in Robinson’s distinctive methodology. Robinson was our example, Biblical Preaching was our textbook, and students who preached Big Idea sermons won seminary awards. I enjoyed Dr. Robinson’s class, and I always marveled at his sermons in chapel. While I didn’t fully adopt his method, I learned much from his counsel, from his critiques, and from numerous insights in his book and in his lectures.


Robinson is best known for his Big Idea approach to preaching, but Biblical Preaching is about much more than this one concept. Biblical Preaching is Robinson’s attempt to convince the student of expository preaching and then help that student craft an effective, relevant, and memorable expositional sermon.


To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.