The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you today.

Westminster Books has deals on a number of interesting books, including that new one about Tim Keller.

Not a Dinosaur

Mitch Chase: “Among the speakers in the book of Job, the Lord gives the final speech (in chs. 38–41). And the last thing he speaks about is Leviathan. What is Leviathan? Are there clues in the text or outside of the book that help us identify it? Let’s see what we see.” He has an interesting perspective on it.

The Faith Crisis of Francis Schaeffer

This interesting article discusses the existence, cause, and effect of Francis Schaeffer’s crisis of faith.

Not Enough of Me to Go Around

“She stands before me with eager eyes, just wanting her mommy to do one simple thing. Hand extended, she displays the hair tie. But I can’t help her. Not right now. And so I have begun to teach my sweet ones a new saying: ‘My mommy loves me. She will help me when she can.’ A simple truth, but not an easy one.”

Why do Christians address sexuality and gender issues all the time?

“A common refrain among many outside the church

To the full-length post originally published on this site.