The God of peace be with you today.

As always, you can check in the morning to see what the day’s Kindle deals include. For now we’ve got some C.S. Lewis classics and a couple of other choices.

(Yesterday on the blog: Cognitive Decline and Common Faults)

Faith’s Review and Expectation

I think you’ll enjoy this examination of John Newton’s “Amazing Grace” as it was originally written. The version most people sing today is only a part of it with a new verse appended to the end. But when we look at the whole thing, we can understand what Newton meant for it to communicate and accomplish.

What’s the Earliest Record of Jesus’s Childhood?

Michael Kruger dives into history to find the earliest credible records of Jesus’s childhood. The context? “CBS News announced a new manuscript of this Gospel has been discovered that’s purportedly the ‘oldest written record of Jesus Christ’s childhood.’” But we know how accurate these claims tend to be.

The Disney Princess Whose Heart Isn’t Worth Following

We are accustomed to reading reviews of Disney movies that explain how they got the human heart completely

To the full-length post originally published on this site.