H. B. Charles Jr., On Worship: A Short Guide to Understanding, Participating in, and Leading Corporate Worship. Moody Publishers, 2022. 176 pages.


What is the chief end of man? The Westminster Shorter Catechism answers: To glorify God and enjoy him forever. Worshiping the triune God, our Creator and Redeemer, is not optional or peripheral. It is the very purpose of life.

As such, worship is of the utmost importance for Christians and pastors to understand. Although I received a Master of Divinity—the standard graduate degree for those pursuing a vocation in pastoral ministry—from a well-regarded evangelical seminary, I was not required to take a class on worship. Something as vital as planning and leading the Lord’s Day meetings of God’s people was relegated to an optional class.

I fear my experience was not unusual. I have met many pastors, song leaders, elders, and deacons—not to mention laypeople—who report that they have never been taught to understand the theology of worship.

H.B. Charles Jr. seeks to remedy this situation in On Worship. Accessible, personal, and full of warm devotional insights, the volume is a useful resource for leaders and laity alike. Charles explains that his book is “not a theological

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.