A friend and I had a long conversation, a typical discussion that happens when pastors get together. We fixed all of the problems in the church and the world before we got up from the table. Of course, nothing changed when we finished our profound conversation.

After an extended debate about transitions and succession, we considered our future retirements from pastoral ministry, God willing. “When I retire, I’m not going to church anymore,” my friend joked. “I will do like my members and just watch the services via livestream.” My friend assured me that he would faithfully pay his tithes and offerings each week. But he would do so from the comfort of his fishing boat. We laughed. Then the conversation moved on. But the question my friend raised kept gnawing at me.

Would you go to church if you were not a pastor?

There are times I feel like the man who slept in one Sunday morning. His wife insisted he get ready for church. “Give me three reasons why I should go to church today,” he mumbled.

His wife had three ready answers. “First, it’s Sunday and it is your Christian duty to worship. Second, the Lord has

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.