The wisdom of God is often only fully seen in retrospect. When man’s wisdom has passed as a fad, the mountain of God’s truth remains. Whereas time exposes the world’s wisdom, it will only vindicate God’s — and anyone who faithfully declared it to the world.

If you want a good picture of what the church looks like before the world, think of Jesus before Pontius Pilate. Put yourself as an observer in the governor’s headquarters that morning, witnessing the interaction between the two. Who appeared weak and who appeared strong? Who sounded foolish and who sounded sensible? Which one seemed to be pursuing the best outcome for all involved?

The Governor and the Lord

“Are you the King of the Jews?” (John 18:33).

“My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36).

You have got to be kidding! Pilate rubbed his eyes in exasperation.

For Pontius

To the full-length post originally published on this site.