“They just use the Bible.” I have heard people say that about biblical counseling. I wouldn’t think about the comment except for two things. One, this is not a pat on the back; the word just gives that away. If I heard “they use the Bible,” I would be encouraged and keep at it, but that is not the intent. Two, the question raises a larger question about Scripture’s reach. Is Scripture sufficient? And what does that even mean?

Specifics can help. Since my wife and I just celebrated our thirty-ninth anniversary, I will use marriage, or the growth of an important relationship, as a way to provoke our thoughts on biblical sufficiency.

So, has Scripture been sufficient for the prospering of my marriage?

On the day I married, Scripture said a lot to me. (“A lot” moves us into the orbit of sufficiency.) Like many grooms, I didn’t know what I was doing, but I knew something. Love was the order of the day. God’s Word told me that Sheri was mine and I was hers. No day dreaming of other women. I was to live as if all conversations with other women were transmitted back to

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.