Many faithful Christians today sense that the world has been turned upside down. Basic social values that once seemed immovable appear to be collapsing, particularly sexual ethics. Secular and Christian pundits alike are sounding alarms about the present state of American culture and civil order.

In the wake of these social realities, some Christians are asking tough questions. Do churches need to reexamine their message and mission? Have American Christians been wrong about the church’s responsibility and perhaps even the gospel?

In the past five years or so, a number of voices have begun to answer these questions. They say society’s ills can be traced, in part, to the church’s neglect of theonomic principles.

Today’s theonomists teach that the church has rightly preached Christ, justification by faith alone, and the need for reconciliation of individual sinners to God, but it has ignored the public aspect of the gospel. The whole gospel, they say, involves proclaiming and practicing God’s Old and New Testament law in society as the way to obtain God’s social and cultural blessings on earth. They teach that Christ obtains his victory over the world through the church’s obedience to God’s law and society’s implementation of God’s law

To the full-length post originally published on this site.