This was fun!

The Question

I had our daughter, Marie, ask a ChatGPT app the following question.

“In one paragraph, summarize Bob Kellemen’s teaching on counseling. Bob Kellemen is also known as Robert Kellemen.”

The Answer

Here is a one paragraph summary of Bob Kellemen’s teaching on counseling:

Bob Kellemen’s approach to counseling emphasizes biblical wisdom, relational connection, and empowerment in Christ. He sees counseling as coming alongside people in their pain to offer Christlike love, guidance, and support. Kellemen advocates using Scripture and prayer as resources for transformation, while validating people’s emotions and experiences. His counseling method aims to instill hope, help counselees gain insight into their struggles, and equip them to apply godly wisdom. Central to Kellemen’s philosophy is compassionately walking with people in need rather than rushing to fix their problems. He strives to come alongside counselees as a sympathizing fellow traveler on the journey towards spiritual and emotional health.

My Thoughts 

That’s pretty good!

I’ve written or co-authored 24 books, written 100s of articles, and over 3,000 blog posts. And it took all of about 5 seconds for the app to do a search and share this answer.

I like it!

The post ChatGPT Summarizes Bob

To the full-length post originally published on this site.