5 top Christian blog posts of the week—posts on Christ’s grace for past sin, His grace for sexual sin, Jesus in the OT, and more by Jonathan Dodson, David Powlison, Jesse Johnson, Denny Burk, and more.

Grace Works Backwards

Does your past in still haunt you? Then read this very candid and incredibly encouraging post by Jonathan Dodson. Grace Works Backwards. Here’s a sampler:

“Then one day it hit me: I hadn’t allowed the gospel to work backwards. Sure, I was forgiven, but I hadn’t allowed God’s grace to seep back into my past. It was like I only saw myself as receiving grace from my gospel awakening forward. No wonder I saw failure everywhere I used to live.  Then, in a stroke of mercy, I embraced God’s acceptance of the past version of myself. I begin to grasp that Jesus died not just for pre-Christian sins, but also post-conversion sins. I allowed the timeless, eternal gospel to touch down in other parts of my timeline. Redemption began to work in reverse. The effect was liberating. The old shame lifted. Christ became sweeter. Sin became more bitter. Grace, all the lovelier. Have you allowed Jesus to redeem your past? Are

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.