Thanks to IBCD’s Hope + Help Podcast for this interview with Jim Newheiser, author of Help! My Anger Is Out of Control.
In this episode of the Hope + Help Podcast, host Christine Chappell interviews Jim Newheiser about his minibook, Help! My Anger is Out of Control. Some of the questions addressed in this interview are:
• What is a biblical definition of anger and what are its common characteristics?
• Is it true that circumstances and/or people “make” us angry?
• Why is it that angry people are prone to being blind to their sinful anger?
• What are some of the ways anger can manifest in our daily life and relationships?
• What hope is there for someone who feels like their anger is out of control?
• What are some practical ways we can address our inclinations to sinful anger?
• How does the gospel inform the way we think about anger that is directed at self?
• What role does Christian fellowship and discipleship play as we seek to overcome anger by grace?