I’m so grateful to Burke Care for sponsoring the blog this week. They invite you to schedule care today with a certified biblical counselor.

Today at Westminster you can save on Rosaria Butterfield’s new book (foreword by Kevin DeYoung): Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age.

Today’s Kindle deals include newer and older Christian books as well as extensive list of general market history and biography.

(Yesterday on the blog: Remaking the World)

I Set My Hope On Jesus (Hymn for a Deconstructing Friend)

Here’s a new hymn from Matt Boswell & Matt Papa that I think you’ll enjoy. They have also just released an EP with several excellent tracks that you can find on your favorite music app.

Why we aren’t as bad as we could be

“We know that bad things happen in the world around us. But we also know that things could be a lot worse than they are. We know that all people sometimes say, do, and think terrible things—including Christians. But we also know that no one is as terrible as they could be.” Why is this?

The Day I Lost My Marbles

Stephen tells about the day he lost his marbles

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.