It’s mostly odds and ends on the Kindle deals list this morning.

(Yesterday on the blog: Why It Matters that We Call the Final Book of the Bible Revelation, not Revelations)

Not My Fault

“Do you notice the difference? The language of brokenness and shame is passive language. It is describing something that has happened to you. The language of ‘sin’ is active language. It is something you do. If the language of our singing, counselling and preaching primarily uses passive language, or uses the passive language to explain active language – well we are no longer being biblical, and have started to inhabit a world view where, ‘it is not my fault’.”

Why Do I Doubt My Salvation? (Video)

Donald Whitney answers.

There Once Was A Farmer

Here’s some good writing! “There once was a young farmer who found great pleasure in working the soil. And though his pleasure was great as he tilled the soil, his pleasure was rooted in the harvest he saw in his mind.”

6 Members Who Build Up the Church

“Every local church is comprised of a diverse group of people who have been radically transformed by the power of God through the

To the full-length post originally published on this site.