This is going to be a week in which I post only the daily A La Carte articles. I returned from my last trip (which took me to several African nations) with an ugly bug bite and some kind of insect-borne illness. I’m trying to get that sorted and think I’m on the right track. But it has been a rough few days.

Logos users will find some good deals for pastor appreciation month. You’ll also want to look at this month’s free and nearly-free books.

(Yesterday on the blog: Could There Be a Worse Home Than This?)

The Porn Talk: Nine Ways Parents Can Lead Children

Parents will benefit from Garrett Kell’s thoughts on having the porn talk with their kids.

Competing Voices

“One evening, after speaking at a church gathering in Akron, a woman came up to me with an unusual request. She said, ‘You seem to really like stories…would you mind if I shared one with you?’” Who doesn’t like a good story?

The Christian Life Involves Dance, not Drudgery

This is a sweet one. “I feel so privileged to have this little girl in my life, and I am not even her daddy

To the full-length post originally published on this site.