May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you on this fine day.

Amazon has fabricated yet another couple of Prime Days. My only interest in it is Kindle deals. I’ll be sure to see if they come through on their promise that the deals with be exceptional.

(Yesterday on the blog: Add a Little Extra Beauty)

5 Myths about Gender Identity

This article addresses 5 modern-day myths about gender identity.

Are Sinners Worthless?

“He respectfully asked how I could say that humans are worthwhile if the Bible tells us we’re worthless. I was thrown off guard, because I could see how I appeared to be directly contradicting Scripture.” After all, the Bible seems to say that human beings are both exceedingly valuable and exceedingly depraved.

Extraordinary Engineers (Video)

The John 10:10 Project has released another great little video, this one celebrating the humble bee.

On Leviticus and Living for God through Christ

“Leviticus is perhaps the most underrated book of the Bible. Despite its importance, it is often considered difficult to read and even more difficult to derive any benefit. I hope to contribute to changing that perspective.” Good idea!

He Leads Me Beside

To the full-length post originally published on this site.