I’m very grateful to the Reformed Free Publishing Association who sponsored the blog this week so they could let you know about their new picture book The Ten Commandments for Children–a book that teaches kids to love God from the heart.

Last weekend I read Walter Isaacson’s new biography of Elon Musk. Musk is an interesting, significant, and polarizing figure. It is perhaps a bit odd to write a biography of him when is only in his early 50s and has begun far more than he has completed. Isaacson presents him as a man who is driven to save the world before it collapses due to warfare, climate change, or runaway technology. But I don’t think he satisfactorily proves that Musk isn’t actually driven by his own grandiosity. Whatever the case, he is clever, driven, impressive, extremely hard-working, and woefully immoral.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Devoted Mind)

How Should Christians Think About The Attack Upon Israel? (Video)

I benefited from watching this panel discussion from SBTS which featured Al Mohler, Tom Schreiner, and Ayman Ibrahim. Even if you don’t agree with all the positions, you’ll still learn a lot, I think.

Hamas Is Borrowing Tactics from

To continue...read the full-length post originally published on this site.